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HomeConference NewsMarch 2024 Game Industry Events Calendar

March 2024 Game Industry Events Calendar

Happy March Madness! We’ve put together yet another great list of events you can attend for the month. As we continue to warm up to the spring time, the event season ramps along with a wider variety of events. As our “March Madness” opening hints at, this month is chock-full of festivals, conferences, and more, all lead of course by the most madness of them all – GDC in San Francisco, CA USA.

Notice something else for this month? There are only a few online or hybrid events. We’ve officially migrated right back to ‘normal’ mode for the event industry.

Many of the listed events are included in the calendar from your contributions in submitting events to the calendar. Thank you for continuing to support us!

Check out this month’s event list below. You can also click here for the main calendar that includes events into 2024 and beyond.

March 2-3: Tokyo Indie Games Summit
5-6: Hamburg Games Conference
5-6: NextGen Game Development Summit
6-7: Global Games Pitch – Spring Edition (Online)
8-16: SXSW Conference
17: Courage XL
17: Day of the Devs (GDC Edition)
18-19: Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco
18-19: Game Connection America
18-21: GTC
18-22: MeetToMatch – The San Francisco Edition
18-22: MeetToMatch – The Las Vegas Edition
18-22: #notgdc (Online)
19-23: GDC (Hybrid)
21: European Game Showcase
21-22: Reality Check Festival
21-24: PAX East
28-April 1: Insomnia Gaming Festival
29-31: DStars

Which events are you attending this month? Let us know by commenting on this article here or on Twitter and Facebook!


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