Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeConference NewsVideo of the Month — AWE 2021 Tour of the Expo

Video of the Month — AWE 2021 Tour of the Expo

The Augmented World Expo (AWE) 2021 event, which took place on Nov. 9-11, was held as a hybrid event. The live event drew almost 3,000 attendees, according to the organizers, over those three days in Santa Clara, California — with many more attendees joining online. The app and community, and YouTube streaming, enabled a portion of the experience to be shown live with remote attendees. This month, we’ll share a 21-minute official walkthrough of the AWE 2021 expo floor from the official AWE YouTube channel.

The video, which is unnarrated, begins at the main entrance to the AWE 2021 expo floor, first encountering the front-and-center Niantic Lightship booth and its distinctive statue that drew a lot of photo-snapping. The videographer stopped by several other booths such as Varjo, Vuzix, Qualcomm, and HaptX, before leaving through the main entry/exit.

The video has some streaming artifacts, but it’s easy to get a sense of what it was like to be there in person even through the lens doesn’t quite get to the whole floor. You’ll see wide-spaced expo walkways, many of the bigger names in augmented reality and virtual reality hardware and software, with a (perhaps surprisingly) robust turn-out of mask-wearing attendees. Of the handful of dedicated gaming-related booths, the distinctively bright and colorful Fungisaurs table gets a bit of attention in the middle of the stream.

Among the spacious open areas in and between the booths, you’ll also see a few networking areas and one of the ever-helpful coffee and tea stations sprinkled through the open areas. Check out the following YouTube video to see the walkthrough.

For a longer and more complete look (just over one hour) at the AWE 2021 expo, accompanied by Ori Inbar, CEO and Co-Founder of AWE, along with some on-the-spot interviews of several AR and VR exhibitors during the media tour of the floor, check out this YouTube video.

Whether you are an event coordinator, press, or general attendee, if you have an event video to share with us, please let us know and we’ll be happy to feature it!


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